Pro Labo Three Blocker 30pcs 日本沙龙级口服美容保健品 三元凶脂肪阻断粉
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Supports meals where useful ingredients such as neopuntia, phaseolamine, and arabino, which are plant-derived “support ingredients”, are of concern. Supports total body care.
Take 1 to 2 sachets per day with a full glass of water or warm water.
Ingredient display: Neopuntia 500mg combination
Other ingredients: Dietary fiber, polydextrose, acacia dietary fiber, citron powder, dextrin, citron, mushroom chitosan, carius forres collie, fish collagen peptide, lactobacillus bifidus powder, green tea powder, citric acid, gelatin, milk, soy
Contains 300 mg of phaseolamine
Contains 150 mg of arabino
Contents 90g (3g x 30 packets)
日本沙龙级口服美容保健品 三元凶脂肪阻断粉
浓缩多种精华 有效阻断 糖 油 碳水化合物 三大肥胖元凶
适用于”大餐急救“ 0负罪感轻松享受饮食乐趣
严选天然材料 温和呵护人体平衡的独家配方
餐前一包 尽享健康轻体
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