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Japan Kobayashi Liquid Bandage 10g 小林製藥 液態速乾創傷膠布 創護寧 10g


5 in stock


Product features:

Ideal For Hangnail, Cut, Abrasion, Scratch, Crack, Chap.

Sakamukea bandage comes in a liquid form and can be applied directly on your scars and chapped skin with a handy brush applicator.

This unique bandage plaster works like a film covering the surface of the skin and repelling the water. It also protects the scars from the entrance of bacterias or other harmful elements.

The product is clear, colourless and sterilized. Liquid bandage is tested to be low-allergenic, it will not cause skin irritations, safe and reliable to use; is very breathable so it will not interfere with skin ventilation and heat dissipation.


Keep the affected part clean.

Apply the liquid and leave it until it’s dry.

When you want to take it out, apply the liquid again over in order to make the dried agent soft again.

You can then wipe it off with a tissue paper.



  • 超薄彈性透明液態膠布保護膜可覆蓋患處皮膚﹐並迅速乾透凝固﹐有特強持久黏貼力﹐可緊貼如膚。
  • 有效隔絕並防止水分、塵垢和細菌入侵傷口﹐保護傷口免受感染並可加速傷口癒合。
  • 可避免因煮食、清洗、游泳等活動時﹐傷口被水分滲入或異物磨擦而產生的痛楚。
  • 專設易塗筆掃﹐簡單易用﹐方便攜帶。
  • 本品經過消毒處理。膠布膜經實驗證明﹐安全可靠﹐不會引起皮膚敏感﹔非常透氣﹐不會阻礙皮膚呼吸及散熱。
  • 液態膠布膜呈透明色﹐美觀不顯眼。


  • 適合煮食或清洗時防止傷口被水分滲入
  • 園藝或工匠修理等作業期間保護傷口
  • 游泳時保護傷口
  • 戶外運動等所造成的輕微損傷
  • 鞋履擦傷、腳跟龜裂





Additional information

Weight 10 lbs


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