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DR.CI:LABO Bust Lift Cream Special 100g 城野醫生 豐胸按摩乳 100g


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Dr Ci:Labo Bust-Lift Cream Special

With 3 kinds of ingredients that mimic female hormones, including Pueraria mirifica root extract, this bust cream leads to a fuller, supple, firmer bust. Moisturizing ingredients, such as two types of collagen and two types of hyaluronic acid, moisturize the skin of the chest and neck, leaving the skin refreshed and firm. Has a refreshing, fruity rose scent.

城野醫生 豐胸按摩乳 

以天然植物精華研製而成,有助促進胸部組織再度發育,給予女性自信的體態美,同時含有調整肌膚柔軟彈性的成份,令胸部柔美堅挺,加上含珍珠光粉,令您的胸部看來更加迷人。 天然成份的升Cup功效,泰國野葛根精華(Pueraria Mirifica Root Extract)、大豆精華、大豆發酵液、Belamcanda,而Chinensis Root Extract則具有類似女性荷爾蒙的作用,有效活躍乳腺, 增加乳房脂肪,促進胸部組織再度發育,持續使用有助升Cup。 滲透性骨膠原、加水分解彈性蛋白能快速滲入皮膚深層,有效增強彈性,令胸部肌膚柔滑富彈性的同時,有助預防及改善胸部鬆弛、下垂。VCIP油溶性維他命C誘導體有美白嫩膚功效,有助淡化色素及對抗老化,令胸部保持雪白柔美。

不含: 人工香料, 色素, 礦物油, 防腐劑




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