PDC Wafood Made Tofu Face Wash 豆腐洁面乳霜温和保湿洗面奶 170g
2 in stock
- Face Wash made from natural soy extract and Kochi seawater enriched with seaweed extract without added chemical preservatives, spices and mineral oil, mild in nature, low foamy creamy texture, fine in texture, does not produce rich foams. Not irritating, cleans the pores, thoroughly cleans dirt and fights against the dull complexion. Instantly nourishes and brightens the skin. It feels like the touch of a bean curd wash. Clean, refreshing and comfortable!
- How to use:
- Firstly, wet your hands, then take the face wash which the size is approximately equal to one piece of cherry and evenly apply on the face, gently massage the whole face, rinse thoroughly with clean water in the end.
- 由天然大豆提取物及蕴含丰富海藻精华的高知县海水制成的洁面乳,无添加化学防腐剂、香料及矿物油,性质温和,低泡沫奶油状,质地细滑,不会起浓郁泡泡,上脸不刺激,针对洁净粗大毛孔,彻底清洁脏污,击退暗沉肤色,瞬间滋润、提亮肌肤,仿如用豆腐洗脸一样的触感,洁净清爽,感觉舒适!
- 用法:
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